Tuesday, June 21, 2016

GM Diet - Day 4

Start of with a big congrats on making it through the first three days. This is certainly a milestone because at this stage half virtually half the battle is already won. Now going into day 4 GM diet there are going to be some changes, particularly with regards to the quantity. Nevertheless starvation is not an issue to be concerned with.

Day 4 in the GM diet, can be a little restrictive with regards to the choices of foods to consume, but the options are certainly filling. One may refer back to the initial GM diet plan, to ensure all the food items are available and prepare accordingly. The quantity is also restrictive. the fourth day is detailed as listed below:
  1. Bananas - You may consume upto 4 bananas during the day
  2. Milk - try to consume upto half a galon of milk. (It does no harm if you consume a little more)
Day 4 needs to be planned well in order to manage the quantity and ingredients well. You may start your day with a glass of milk with a single banana. During the lunch you may consume a banana shake  with 2 bananas and finally for dinner, again a banana and a glass of milk. Feel free to mix match. 

Precautions: Since you are consuming a lot of milk during the day, you may not feel thirsty, but certainly try to consume 3-4 glasses of the water during the day to avoid any hunger spells or any discomfort. GM diet exercise plan should be revisited in order to see best results but nothing should be overdone and put your overall health in jeopardy.

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